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Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1 Download for Windows: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison


Versions 7.7 to 7.9 of Zencrack were built using Intel Fortran 10.1.030. If a compiler is to be used, this should be the preferred compiler version although alternatives are Intel Fortran 11.0 and 11.1.

Lis (Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems, pronounced [lis]) is a parallel software library for solving discretized linear equationsand eigenvalue problems that arise in the numerical solution ofpartial differential equations using iterative methods.The installation of Lis requires a C compiler. The Fortran interfacerequires a Fortran compiler, and the algebraic multigridpreconditioner requires a Fortran 90 compiler.For parallel computing environments, an OpenMP or MPI library is required. Both the Harwell-Boeing and Matrix Market formats aresupported to import and export user data. Major tested platforms C compilers OS Intel C/C++ Compiler 7.0, 8.0, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 14.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 2021.5.0 LinuxWindows IBM XL C/C++ V7.0, 9.0 AIXLinux Sun WorkShop 6, Sun ONE Studio 7,Sun Studio 11, 12 Solaris PGI C++ 6.0, 7.1, 10.5, 16.10 Linux gcc 3.3, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 8.2, 9.3, 10.2 LinuxmacOSWindows Clang 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 macOSFreeBSD Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 Windows Fortran compilers (optional) OS Intel Fortran Compiler 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 14.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 2021.5.0 LinuxWindows IBM XL Fortran V9.1, 11.1 AIXLinux Sun WorkShop 6, Sun ONE Studio 7,Sun Studio 11, 12 Solaris PGI Fortran 6.0, 7.1, 10.5, 16.10 Linux g77 3.3gfortran 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 8.2, 10.1 LinuxmacOSWindows

intel fortran compiler 11.1 download for windows

This is little more than a "let me google that for you" answer. Using the search term "intel fortran redistributable libraries" will give you lots of hits, the first of which is Redistributable libraries for the Intel C++ and Visual Fortran Compiler 11.1 for Windows. The libraries are for the 11.1 version of IVF and you may need a different version (it is unclear from your post). These libraries can also be found in any licensed release of the intel compilers.

Lis, a Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems, is a parallel library for solving linear equations and eigenvalue problemsthat arise in the numerical solution of partial differential equationsusing iterative methods.The installation of Lis requires a C compiler. The Fortran interfacerequires a Fortran compiler, and the algebraic multigridpreconditioner requires a Fortran 90 compiler.For parallel computing environments, an OpenMP or MPI-1 library is used. Both the Harwell-Boeing and Matrix Market formats aresupported to import and export user data. Major tested platforms C compilers OS Intel C/C++ Compiler 7.0, 8.0, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1,Intel C++ Composer XE LinuxWindows IBM XL C/C++ V7.0, 9.0 AIXLinux Sun WorkShop 6, Sun ONE Studio 7,Sun Studio 11, 12 Solaris PGI C++ 6.0, 7.1, 10.5 Linux gcc 3.3, 4.4 LinuxMac OS XWindows Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, 2010, 2012 Windows Fortran compilers (optional) OS Intel Fortran Compiler 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1,Intel Fortran Composer XE LinuxWindows IBM XL Fortran V9.1, 11.1 AIXLinux Sun WorkShop 6, Sun ONE Studio 7,Sun Studio 11, 12 Solaris PGI Fortran 6.0, 7.1, 10.5 Linux g77 3.3gfortran 4.4 LinuxMac OS XWindows

  • To run LAPACK on Windows? If you have INTEL compilers installed on your machine, please download the Prebuilt static libraries using INTEL Compilers libraries

  • If you DO NOT have INTEL compilers installed on your machine, you will need to install MinGW 32 bits or MinGW-w64 and then download the Prebuilt dynamic libraries using Mingw

  • Call LAPACK directly from C using the LAPACKE C Interface. You will need to install MinGW 32 bits and then download the Prebuilt dynamic libraries using Mingw or even better download a VS Studio Solution with everything ready (BLAS, LAPACK and LAPACKE lib and dll) and two simple LAPACKE examples), you will just need to unzip and build. Do not forget to consult also the LAPACKE User Guide.

  • To run a program calling a LAPACK routine under Windows? Please follow this extensive guide provided by one of our user.To build LAPACK libraries under Windows? You will need to install CMAKE on your machine and please refer to the build section . Prebuilt libraries for Microsoft Visual Studio Projects Prebuilt dynamic libraries using Mingw Requirement: Mingw 32 bits or 64 bitsInformation: Those libraries were built with CMAKE for Visual Studio 2015 and Mingw compilers and correspond to LAPACK 3.7.0 + Bug Fix.Instructions:Download the BLAS and LAPACK dll and lib that correspond to your need. See table below

  • Link your C application built with MSVC with the BLAS and LAPACK libraries (the lib files) you just downloaded. In your project properties, change the properties "Linker > General > Additional Library Directory" to tell Visual Studio where the libraries are, and also add the name of your BLAS and LAPACK libraries in "Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies", just put "liblapack.lib;libblas.lib"

  • Once your application compiled correctly, do not forget to copy the liblapack.dll and libblas.dll where your executable is or the make sure that the dll are on your system path or put them in the WINDOWS\system32 folder, else binary won't run

  • Your application will also require the GNU runtime DLLs ( both libgfortran-3.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll are needed.) from MinGW to be available. Just put the GNU runtime directory (for example, for 32 bits C:\MinGW\bin) in your PATH, you should be good to go

  • Instructions for LAPACKE:Download the BLAS, LAPACK and LAPACKE dll. At the moment only Win32 Release available (but you can build your own flavor with CMAKE) See table below

  • Link your C application built with MSVC with the BLAS,LAPACK and LAPACKE libraries (the lib files) you just downloaded. In your project properties, change the properties "Linker > General > Additional Library Directory" to tell Visual Studio where the libraries are, and also add the name of your BLAS, LAPACK and LAPACKE libraries in "Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies", just put "liblapacke.lib;liblapack.lib;libblas.lib"

  • Specifically for LAPACKE, you need to add ADD_;HAVE_LAPACK_CONFIG_H;LAPACK_COMPLEX_STRUCTURE; in "C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions"

  • Once your application compiled correctly, do not forget to copy the liblapacke.dll, liblapack.dll and libblas.dll where your executable is or the make sure that the dll are on your system path or put them in the WINDOWS\system32 folder, else binary won't run

  • Your application will also require the GNU runtime DLLs ( both libgfortran-3.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll are needed.) from MinGW to be available. Just put the GNU runtime directory (for example, for 32 bits C:\MinGW\bin) in your PATH, you should be good to go

  • Do not forget to consult also the LAPACKE User Guide.

  • Preamble LAPACK is designed as a two-tiered Fortran library, comprising higher level subroutines and "lower-level Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) in order to effectively exploit the caches on modern cache-based architectures" ( ). For reference purposes, the LAPACK installation provides a(n untuned) version of the BLAS which is not optimized for any architecture. This reference BLAS implementation may be orders of magnitude slower than optimized implementations, for matrix factorizations and other computationally intensive matrix operations. Optimized implementations the BLAS are available from a number of vendors and projects such as: Intel (commercial), AMD, ATLAS, and GotoBLAS. Part 1-a: Using the Reference BLAS The Reference BLAS for Windows can be downloaded here . Part 1-b: Using the MKL BLAS MKL - -us/intel-mkl/This is a good match to go with INTEL Fortran compiler of course. Part 1-b: Using the ACML BLAS AMD (AMCL) -- ... fault.aspx Part 1-c: Using ATLAS BLAS (requires compilation)-- Cygwin or MinGW required -- ATLAS is aim to, by self-discovery, automatically generate an optimized BLAS library.For a step by step procedure please refer to the ALTAS Forum Part 1-c: Using GotoBLAS (requires compilation) -- MinGW and MSYS required (MinGW has to be installed first) -- The GotoBLAS source is available from here (there's short registrationform to fill), and can be compiled for Windows with MinGW. No changes need to be made to GotoBLAS' config fileMakefile.rule, unless a particular compiler is preferred. Happily, the config file automatically enables multithreading if more than one processor is available. Download and extract the GotoBLAS source to any directory of choice, and make any desired changes to the config file (the default option should also work well).

  • "cd" to the top-level directory containing the source, and type "make"

The result of this process should be a file libgoto_-r.a, and a (symbolic) link libgoto.a pointing to this file. (For example, libgoto_banias-r1.26.a) but also the Windows library (*.lib) and dll are generated by default. .

In some cases, this is not possible. For example, starting with macOS ElCapitan (10.11), many packages no longer build with GCC, but XCodeprovides no Fortran compilers. The user is therefore forced to use amixed toolchain: XCode-provided Clang for C/C++ and GNU gfortran forFortran.

When auto-detecting a PGI compiler, there are cases where Spack willfind the old compilers, when you really want it to find the newcompilers. It is best to check this compilers.yaml; and if the oldcompilers are being used, change pgf77 and pgf90 topgfortran.

Here we tell spack that whenever we want to build with gcc use version 5.2.0 orif we want to build with intel compilers, use version We add a specfor each compiler type for each cray modules. This ensures that for eachcompiler on our system we can use that external module. 2ff7e9595c

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